Arredamento di Interni (2021)

The Rainbow Serpent (2022)

[➜ versione in Italiano]

If we consider every phenomenon of reality as a Question that attracts our senses; then, for us to understand that manifestation, we must understand its Question – but to understand a Question we must be able to formulate a Question in turn, that is, we must express ourselves creatively. Therefore, the Understanding of an Object always requires the creative Expression of Self.

    — This is the "Continuous Prototyping"

Why "Interpreting Dreams" is the Message itself of Dreams

Dreams as a self-education mechanism to Strategic Thought

Series – "The Interpretation of Dreams as Fractals"

1. The Three-Words Study Method
2. The Non-Linear Language Learning Method
► 3. The Rainbow Serpent
○ Follow-Up's (Research Main Page)

Sinusoid Wave


This is the last part of a research developed on the Interpretation of Dreams as Fractals.

The first part, the ► The Three-Words Study Method, was about the problem and the limits of "notional" learning: therefore I defined the features of a "self-structuring" study technique which facilitates the analysis and virtualization of a text, supporting the study activity in a creative way.

I then added ► The Non-Linear Language Learning Method, to give a more practical idea of applying a "Fractal Non-Method".

In this part I will talk more about Dreams as "Recursive Functions" – in particular, why the "Syntax" of dreams is, at the same time, its "Message" of creativity.


Mechanizing Innovation

THE NATURAL TREND TO STEREOTYPE. Learning requires experimentation and verification; but also requires initiative and diversification, which are typically human characteristics – that is, relative to the Agent of that knowledge. However, there is a tendency to believe that, for it to be functional (at solving problems), Knowledge must remain unchanged: thus the value of the Agent is often underestimated, indeed forced to pre-established models (Stereotypes).

    As mentioned in the main article, this occurs due to a natural narcissistic tendency linked to the Perception of the Self – to the "fear of losing one's own boundaries" facing the Unknown. In other words, "Experimentation" becomes a simple "repetition of patterns", and this phenomenon can probably also be explained by the physical principle that the energy of a system always tends to the state of minimum expenditure

ASSIMILATING SCHEMES. Learning, on the other hand, has a strong component of receptivity to Change, as it is based on Intuition – a thought that creates a connection between elements that, until then, were separated; which therefore presupposes, that "studying" means first of all understanding a reasoning the way it is explained, thus retracing the gradual construction of the relationships that make up that Theoretical Model; so we can possibly experiment with its variations – especially whereas that Model proved to be lacking.

Furthermore, this principle does not only apply to Axiomatic Logic (strictly sequential reasonments), but also to Art and to Athletics, as they too are based on schemes that are assimilated and diversified in response to more personal matters.

MODELS AS SYSTEMS. Therefore, in order to be able to reconstruct a "Model", you must first identify the Elements that compose it, then understand their Relationships. In reality, however, there is not much difference, because, just as the "Relationships" are some "elements" themselves of a model, the "Elements" are in turn made up by a set of "relationships".

    Which ultimately means, that an "Element" is a Model which then became part of an even larger "System of Relationships" (let's think for example to the developments of Cosmology)

We conclude then, that Innovation is that further phase of Learning in which a theoretical Model is "expanded" with a new element, or "connected" to another System, thus creating a "new" Model.

We know, however, that this "qualitative leap" is anything but trivial, and that before learning to walk we fall several times.

CREATIVITY AND THE HONOR OF DEATH. The "Three-Words Method" therefore wanted to solve the problem, whether is it possible to "mechanize Innovation":

– the answer was a bit of Yes, because we can use Indefiniteness to activate a cognitive function particularly prone to Fantasy (but also to Delusion); and a bit of – indeed definitely No, because what is "New" is unpredictable by definition, and is closely linked to the concept of Death/Boundaries of the Self.

So not only is Creativity a prerogative of Living Beings, but it will always remain a strictly existential question of confrontation with everything that is unknown – the confrontation with "Dark Matter" – therefore with the daily puzzles and with the inevitable Struggle to solve them: something which is very well represented by the phenomenon of Dreams.

The Eyes Bigger than the Stomach

SELF-DECEPTION. These arguments of mine derive precisely from a continuous study of my own dreams, since I understood that they were a "feed-back" for my day before, for the way in which some of my unconscious assumptions were followed by certain daily habits related to planning my future – problems expressed for example by a dream like the following:

    — "I was keeping my Garden Gate open, using the City-library Card"

This image finally referred to my "narcissistic projection" (the anxiety of survival) leading me to an excessive amount of reading; but when Excess comes from an anxiety, it can only aggravate the problem, because it prevents all concentration, therefore all development; and in fact, this is a typical "self-deception", supposing of being able to "deceiving Time" thus solving the Problem of Change.

FETISHISM. The problem is obviously not that of "loving Culture too much", but that, in general, we tend to set an image of ourselves onto any Object of real life; so that, thanks to the "projects" based on it, we guarantee the continuity of ourselves in the future, as being able to see ourselves in the future helps to overcome the anxiety of death.

This attitude towards Material Reality is specifically called "Fetishism" and is a form of attachment that leads to a more or less problematic relationship with those Objects – be they books or whatever.

DEPRESSION. The impossibility, which comes with excess, of being able to "understand a Model" and to innovate it, on the contrary, it leads to a sense of incompetence and demotivation, therefore inactivity, up to health problems.

    Depression is closely linked to the image of one's creative inability, or rather, when a professional competence is not perceived as an expression of our own's (for example, is a known effect of "mobbing" on the workplace)

Dreams then are meant to push us to rework the stereotyped relationship with those Objects, that is to overcome the "Mental Blocks" through the awareness of certain unconscious habits and of their real meaning.

How to Get Diamonds

CREATING CHANGE. This "overcoming" can be very well activated with Freudian analysis (using free concatenations of associative thoughts) or with any other system that imposes a concentration on the Symbols, since this process will have the ultimate effect of motivating an Impulse to Action that breaks an old pattern – a fracture that, as happens with atomic bonds, releases an ancient captive energy.

    Dreams take up ancient Creative strategies never more reworked, "frozen" in memories, which manifest themselves in "stereotyped" habits, the real meaning of which has now been forgotten

PROTOTYPING. Consequently, Interpreting Dreams is a personal activity that requires time, but above all the possibility of immediately putting a new idea into practice ("Prototyping"); instead, asking someone else to do it, has a much more relative utility, because that "genuine" impulse to Action is the very purpose of the analysis: training Intuition, thus generating Renewal.

    "Prototyping" means that something may work, or it may not; the problem of Fetishism is that instead we expect that Model to work any time, or also, that we would engage in a Project only if we are sure that it will work – an anxiety that brings for example Undecidedness or Sadism (Sadism is the opposite of Cooperation)

SURREALIST POEMS. I had in fact invented a rather amusing way of interpreting dreams – the "Surrealist Poems" – which consists in writing a dream in the form of rhyming poetry: where, however, the rhyme must be meaningful and original, so that we are forced to reflect well on the details and on the logical sequences of our dream, in order to be able to readjust its description to get a good rhyme.

    Starting from that one, we will write some more rhyming poems, making each line the synthesis of two in the previous one: at the end of this radioactive halving you will get a diamond

REVIEWING PAST MODELS. From this type of activity, I therefore understood that the analysis of dreams meant to me a therapeutic exercise to learn a more general "Study Method" oriented to Action and Innovation, rather than to a "demonstrative" Knowledge, useless and specious.

But precisely because each Dream Symbol is a re-enactment of Strategies once thought about resolving specific events in our life (just think how Notionism actually served to overcome school exams), Dreams are a "manifestation of themselves" just because "of Ourselves": therefore, opening up to Dreams means (trivially) having an inner dialogue.

USING PROBLEMS AS A SOLUTION. Consequently, as already said, in Dreams we must always detect the two Aspects of the message, that of "Risk" and that of "Solution" by means of the Risk itself:

Alarm signal: a certain tendency to Attachment is causing an "Accumulation" (then, the risk of creative Blockage), since in that Object we tend to see our Stability (finally, all the Symbols refer to "Breast Milk").

Solution: if I study the meaning of that Symbol in my personal history, I rebuild the "Model" of that reasoning and I can thus activate a dialectical-pragmatic overcoming of the Stereotype.

    So, my dream – "Keeping my Garden Gate open with the City-Library card" – is not suggesting me to refusing "Books and Courses" (since I am not able to manage them), but rather to get even more confused by broadening my Interests, for me to face the very problem, and consciously rework the idea of Learning – which many years after lead me to develop a "Non-Linear Study Method"

This, therefore, does not mean "changing history", but changing the way of looking at it, and using Problems as a tool for personal evolution.

THE FEAR OF TIME. Indeed, by saying "You are exaggerating with cheap books", my dream indicates how to solve that situation in the meantime:

    — "Dreams is Self-knowledge that costs you nothing. Keep your Gate open to me"

That is, "Accept the Challenge" of interpreting Dreams: "Spend more time in Reworking Concepts", because haste (Narcissistic Fear of Time) will take you nowhere.

    If I learn to behave this way with Dreams, then I will learn to do it also with problems in general, and I will be open to Change

The fact is, how can dreams compose meaningful images, is chilling complex; and along so many years I don't think I have ever dreamed of the same story twice. How is this possible?


The Syntax of Dreams

THE RECURSIVE REPRESENTATION OF ITSELF. This type of reasonment originated, as mentioned, from my ► artistic study of Clouds, an issue I frequently dreamt of during my ► Surrealist period (1996-1999)). In this way I could match the concept of "Fractal/Recursive Geometry" with that of "Stratification of Dreams Symbols" (by ► Sigmund Freud [Wikipedia], who makes the example of Archeology).

Noting moreover, that some symbolic events of my dreams seemed to represent themselves in real life "in the same way, but in different forms" (thus remembering the Ancient Greeks' idea of Destiny) I deduced that the events represented by Dreams were based just on the same logic that we use to understand Reality.

    That is, no matter how "illogical" it may seem, it is always possible for the Rational mind to decipher a dream and understand what it has to be understood

I therefore realized a more comprehensive concept of "Recursive Logic" which allowed me to "accept" the possibility that Dreams actually referred "to themselves in the act of representing themselves":

    — "I am the Dream: I am like the City-Library of your Memories, let me enter your Garden"

INSENSITIVE TO LIFE. But what must be understood by Dreams? it must be "re-established a Balance". Anxieties overloads Rationality which, from a function of "Measure and Choice", becomes an omnipervasive and paranoid monster that needs to defend itself from any alternative to what it has already planned, in order to ensure its own Survival: that is, we tend to "identify ourselves" with our ability to choose, and this makes us insensitive to everything else.

THE SYNTAX OF DREAMS. Of course, we all are able to say such phrases; Dreams, on the other hand, are very precise, and relie on a well-defined Syntax which is none other than the Flow of Life Energy.

    In particular, the "Form of Dreams" coincides with the "Message" itself

We will in fact discover that Dreams conform precisely to the most indefinite and universal Structure ever, such abstract, that one would even think it the structure of Reality: popularly known above all as "Cosmic Vibration" (see also ► The String Theory [Wikipedia]), I have called it "The Rainbow Serpent" or more simply "The Water Cycle".

Communicating the Communication

THE DAY BEFORE DREAMS. This is why I pretend to speak in a general way. There are probably people who dream in black and white, or people who dream of situations that are completely indefinable from the point of view of material life – I don't know that; my teenage dreams were so incredible, that I was even making an artistic career out of them, but in the years they became less showy; yet, after so many years, those images still may give me new ideas – unluckily however, only generalizations, because I can no longer relate them to a specific circumstance of those distant days.

— Dreams ALWAYS indicate something referring to the day before; or in any case, something that is developing in those days. Otherwise, as mentioned, it will be difficult to identify where a problem "materially" shows up; at most, interpreting old dreams will provide a general principle, philosophically beautiful, but will not have the pragmatic effect they wanted to obtain.

"I WANT! I WANT!". In short, Dreams tell us that somewhere there is an Emotional Blocking, a "Fixation". There is always a tendency to Blocking, whether you like it or not, one day we will die. How are we preparing for that moment, everything we do depends on that idea: Do I want everyone to remember me? or, Do I want to fulfill all my wishes before I die? and above all – "I want"?

Whoever speaks saying "I want" is the material boundary of our "Identity", what can exist as such, which consequently naturally aspires to Perpetuity, and opposes Resistance to Change.

LIKE PUPPETS. However, Dreams help us to develop Intuition, and Intuition goes beyond the border of Identity, because it is the vision of something "that does not yet exist" – a moment of transcendence which, anyway, is a normal fact.

    Indeed the pure banality of the irreplaceable nature of Life, with respect to the idea that Artificial Life can be created; honor and burden that comes from the very reality of things that we are here to leave our place (and our creations) to someone else.

We inevitably tend to expectations, and these however "condition" us; and if these expectations are even the result of blackmail and violence in childhood, we no longer resolve these conditions, because they are closely linked with the Fear of not being Protected, which will make us act like puppets in adulthood.

— Life does not want puppets, it wants initiative and experimentation, sacrifice and exploration, and above all LOVE which is the pleasure of dedicating oneself to something without knowing where it will take us: this is following our Intuition.

COMMUNICATING COMMUNICATION. Intuition is precisely an act of love for life, it is an attempt – indeed only a small step, which however opens us to new horizons. Art is the tool we developed to transmit this Principle of Change among us in Society, to convey the enthusiasm for experimenting with the new, that is to "inspire" an action that breaks habits.

The message of Art is in fact "Communicating Communication", communicating the importance of creating new connections – both among us in Society and with the Environment – therefore to raise the level of interaction and the creation of new "Models".

    "Increase the Level of Complexity" is the message of Dreams, of Art and of Communication in general, to counteract the natural tendency to Stereotypes

IT IS NOT ENOUGH "LOOKING" AT ART. There it is, Dreams are then a "Form of Art" that we create for ourselves, to "inspire" us to broaden the field of problems and generalize new Models of Thought.

The fact is, that Art is not only "beautiful to look at", but it should be appreciated in a contextual way to the historical period of reference – being written in a "Code" that we cannot pretend to understand "naively" arguing that Art should be seen "as it is", only to avoid the effort of changing point of view.

The same thing is a Dream: it is not enough to "look at it", instead, our mind has made a great effort of reorganization to produce it and say something important, but we REGULARLY do not go beyond the "Beautiful Surface" – I myself, for example, I used to paint them, so that I could obtain a certain social success, until I realized that this fact was a kind of self-cannibalism.

WITHOUT BIAS. Dreams instead want to teach us their point of view: a point of view so deep in the Mind that no conditioning has ever reached them, a language that only with the attitude of a Child – who has no prejudices – you can understand it.

    In this "artistic representation of myself" therefore, I (the Dream) will try to convey to you the idea that Life should not be hindered, but let flow through you; so I will try to explain where and why you are opposing, and through which actions. Then you will understand that it is better to free yourself from those habits and to be aware of the assumptions at their origin.

A Whole Personal Mythology

GEOMETRIES MADE OF SYMBOLS. From the analysis of thousands of dreams (each day since 2007; my Readers are lucky because I am a very problematic person) I then deduced a "Recurrent Configuration" that, I'm sure, only someone who does a personal-focused job like the one I did, could deduce.

— In Dreams, there are "Geometries" that correspond to precise situations of our daily life, so that the "Alert Messages" will rely on these Geometries – which are in fact the Symbols themselves. That is, these Geometries are associated with Colors, Physical Elements, Natural Places or even Social Institutions, according to our "Private Dictionary".

DON'T DEPEND ON OTHERS. This "Private Dictionary" then, as said by ► Carl G. Jung ("Collective Unconscious" [Wikipedia]) may share a lot with other people who grew up in the same context – it is just however very wrong to ignore the personal situation, relying on the interpretation of that Symbol written by who knows who.

    I should then say that I am against the various "Dictionaries of Dream Symbols", because they would prevent anyone from working on their own memories (developing the ability to "look without prejudice"); but if it is a well-made book, then it is equivalent to an Art History book dealing with symbology with an historical-cultural value – but, beware! – not psychoanalytic

In fact, I would like to emphasize that Dreams themselves insist on the idea of "Using Symbols to trace back own Memories" (see above, my Dream represents itself as a "City-Library"), since the final meaning of the question is Emancipation through an Instinctual Creativity, not through Cumulative Knowledge.

THE LIMITS OF SELF-TAUGHT SEARCH. I would then be making the same mistake in saying that there is an "Abstract Geometry" giving shape to the Dreams of all of us, independently; but precisely because it refers to real Life, this Geometric Structure seems to have references to Physical Laws, such that it holds as much for me and for you, just like any other theory: then the problem is, just how far it can explain how things work.


The Sinusoid and Biophysics

All these "Geometries" – the symbolic places of Dreams action – are nothing but "Sections" of a larger "Form" which constitutes a complete "Cycle" (in some dreams the entire Form can also be represented).

This Cycle is a Sinusoid Curve through which the Energy flows; and its Sections represent the various States of Aggregation of Matter, however stressing on the Transformation aspect: from the Raw state (the Theory), to Sublimation, that is, to Intuition.

– When we dream of a particular "Section" of the Sinusoid, we can then immediately guess which aspect of our real life it is referring to, then we can more easily identify where the tendency to "Blocking" is actually showing up.

Understandably then, digging in the meaning of that Symbol will also help us to trace back the conceptual stereotype of that Blocking – so that finally, in front of the same type of choice, we will be aware of the risks of self-deceiving and change habit.

How (Not) to Flood House

HOW TO FLOOD THE CURRICULUM. To illustrate the Sections of the Curve a little better, I'll take up the previous dream "I was holding my Garden Gate open, using my Library Card".

From the "structural" point of view, my Garden is at Street level. The reference is, therefore to a place with a vocation of primary exchange – where things pass, people and information from the outside world: therefore we are at the lowest level, that of Matter in its Raw state. Furthermore, my garden is where I played with friends, consequently, where I expressed my social personality, with the inevitable insecurities.

— By saying that "I was holding the Gate open with the Library Card", Dreams then tells me that an excess of Primary Supply risks blocking me; and the "emotional" cause of this Block is of a Social type: the need to make an "impression on others", particularly through Culture, because my self-esteem depends on the opinion of others.

    A need which in any case, must be referred to the social pressures that come from School and through Family

The solution that Dreams wants to give me, as mentioned above, is "Opening the doors to Dreams", that is, to spend more time in Creatively Reworking Concepts – which, as it is always worth remembering, leads to Solutions that often do not coincide with the initial claims.

Clearly, I had to contextualize this dream of mine within the issue of Professional updating: of wanting to write a Curriculum Vitae made up of Notionism instead than of Creative projects, made of exteriority but not of interests personal – made of Dependence and not of Emancipation.

THROUGH THE LEVELS OF THE SINUSOID. Having said that, similar situations can easily be represented by other symbols, such as:

  • I had left the tap running
  • I couldn't keep the door closed
  • the town square was flooded
  • there were large piles of garbage

situations that generally, in a dream, will take place on a physically "inferior" level.

Since over time I have coined a personal "terminology", I refer to the Sections of the curve precisely with the term "Levels" because (we will see later) in general it becomes evident an "Ascending Path", that of the transformation of Matter "from Raw state to Intuition" (Sublimation) – which however does not ends here.

Therefore, should I dream of Floodings, Doors that cannot close, Landslides and the like, I should immediately intend a "Service communication" that sounds more or less like:

    — "Warning: Accumulation of Raw Materials in Warehouse – Risk of Production Blockage"

In any case, identifying "Sections" has only the function to make it easier for us to intervene in a specific way (after all, this analytical approach is encouraged by Dreams themselves) – but the Cycle should be considered in its entirety, that is, as a "System".

WHY DISORDER HELPS. On the other hand, the very situation of Accumulation is an invitation for that very Confusion to be a way itself to get out of a state of swampiness – that is, what in the philosophy of dreams is to make the "Problem" become the "Solution" itself.

    It is often thanks to Disorder that we are able to define a new Order

Being able to see an unconscious habit in certain Objects and Projects, does not mean that they are intrinsically harmful, but it means that our creative Strategy has remained frozen in a Vicious Circle, so Dreams always invite us to use that blocking (which is Dreams themselves) to our advantage.

    In this way we learn that the Solution is always an integral part of a Problem, and that for example we can always use Accumulation creatively, as soon as we give up on projecting onto it "the solution to an anxiety"

"PER ASPERA AD ASPERA". The following "Levels" therefore represent the various phases of a "Creative Process" which does not end with the Intuition of the New, but necessarily continues; and, after reaching "the moment of glory" (at the peak of the curve) descends along the opposite side – which represents the process instead, of practically realizing that Idea.

— This Curve in its entirety, then represents the "Realization of a Product" starting from the Raw Material; and for this very reason (we will see) it also makes a lot of sense to call it the "Water Cycle".

THE RAINBOW SERPENT. I instead have called it the "Rainbow Serpent" not only because I once physically dreamed of this creature; but also because, parallel to the "Water Cycle", it can also be defined by means of the Optical Spectrum, associating the "States of aggregation" to the 7 wavelengths from Red to Violet. Because of this concept, I therefore tend to affirm the general value of a completely individual study.

    NB – Years ago I read ► The Chakra System ( by Anodea Judith) [Wikipedia], where the author is able to give physiological-pathological interpretations to dreams. I have often kept this approach in mind; but if Dreams are Guide to Themselves then I have never found myself dealing with Chakra's nor with Pathology (except for references to harmful enamels used the day before). Actually I am always happy to make these distinctions, also because The Chakra System is of a very scientific setting and I am confident of possible comparisons


It is therefore very likely that Colors themselves in dreams are an alternative symbology, or complementary, to Physical Places, to indicate specific Sections of the Curve. Moreover (as follows) I find it a very practical way functionally to describe the various Sections, relative to a "Production Process". Obviously, I allow myself some descriptive suggestions with a Taoist flavor.

1) Level of Red

The Dark Valley in the Night: Water is Ice

    the Terrain – the Raw Matter

The Red Level represents the Dark Matter – the Matter in its "incomprehensible" state: for example, any Text of a new topic, any Problem in its simple formulation, then Dreams theselves in their fresh representation (the one where "we can't understand anything").

An "Excess" at this Level is, as stated above, Materialism in its most primitive, purely Objectual expression.

2) Level of Orange

Start to walk at Dawn: Water begins to melt

    the Lake – the Theory

This is the time for Contemplation – an "Activity" that is not really such, but will soon turn into "Analysis". Let's not deny it, we abuse of Rationality because we are always in a great hurry to "understand", and get where we stated; but in this kind of attitude there is no real Object of knowledge – only a reflection of ourselves which renders knowledge impure, tainted with expectations.

Compared to the previous level, the "Theory" represents something potentially understandable, but still locked in its physical definition: the same way Water collects in the concavity of the Ground, a Theory is collected, for example, within the confines of a Book. If we exceed in Theory, that is, if we exceed in the quantity of Topics of our concentration, Water will rise up and overflow from its borders.

Dreaming of "the School" is a typical representation of this level, thus indicating "Knowledge gained in the Past"; the same, dreaming of being high on a mountain and see many lower hills over there, those Hills represent the "deeds" I completed in the Past (which now seem so trivial).

    Then note that it is always possible to dream of a Level that is "lower" than the Primary Level: with the same meaning we can also dream of Cellars and underground Boxes, especially if we use them as Warehouse for old toys or books: this is the place of the oldest Memories – the very "foundations" of our reasoning, the Personalities and Projects that we forgot down there

It is therefore also the representation of the "Stereotype", a knowledge crystallized in a repetition of characters, of which we have forgotten the purpose, but not the "external form".

3) Level of Yellow

The Path comes out of the Wood: Water heats up

    the Sun – the Analysis

I am in the middle of my path of understanding, in the midst of my effort. Thanks to Contemplation, as the Sun gradually illuminates my path, I have isolated some Elements and I try to understand the Relationships that bind them. That is, the object of my study is transforming into a "Model".

This is the moment of the "Association of Ideas", which recalls a quantity of properties I attribued to an Object over time, and thanks to which I glimpse a "Path" in what was previously completely senseless and dark: I am coming out of the Forest of the Symbolic-instinctive Language, and turning it into Memories.

4) Level of Green

Some Rocks block the Way: Water starts to evaporate

    Breathing – the Fatigue of Experimentation

If you worked with chemicals the day before, chances are you will be dreaming of the Color Green, which reminds you to protect your airways.

This is also a very special moment in Dream Interpretation. It is the moment when we reach our limits, and an extra effort is asked: the Elements and Relationships are there, but we still cannot understand the overall meaning.

It is the moment of Frustration, the moment in which we understand who we really are, where at times we see the senselessness of our decisions and the naivety or helplessness that caused them. What can we do now?

I like to describe this moment thinking of "Jesus on the Cross". It is a symbol that says, if you want a result, you must give up Materiality: only the loser can actually win.

    Only by transforming into Steam can the Water overcome the Mountain

Right now we understand that if we want to move forward, we have to get rid of the material aspect of things, that we have to turn it into something "new"; that we must then overcome our regressive Resistances – that is, Attachment to Matter – in order to confront the Unknown.

A symbology I have seen representing these last phases, is therefore understandably also "the Collective Prayer in the Church"

    Each person is a single Element, but if everyone unites in a Prayer, they will be able to transform Matter into Spirit; after all, the very shape of the Gothic cathedrals recalls Fire, with its tendency towards Verticality and above all, an instrument of Transformation

5) Level of Blue

On the Mountain Plateau: Water has become a Cloud

    "the High Death" – the Sublimation of Matter

Suddenly everything becomes clear, like a huge panorama from this elevated place. We figured out what to do, and probably even acted without even thinking about it too much.

Now it's time to rest – but watch out, you cannot stay here for long. Black clouds already threaten your peace, whipped by a strong wind. This place is not for humans, but for fantastic creatures, because only they can live between a real world and the world of incorporeal ideas – a world that "non-exists".

So right now you had the idea that unlocks Innovation, and your project is there, floating like a Cloud in which you see the shapes of your imagination; the very great risk of this phase, is that it is not enough to watch a work with imagination, but we should also take the decision and turn it real – which involves Change – hence the name of this phase as the "High Death" (ie Ideal, opposite to Material).

Getting to this phase is in fact tiring, and if I go on, I know that the same effort will arise again and again – because, even if I implement this Solution, sooner or later this solution will prove insufficient: and therefore I will have to climb an even higher mountain... Then for many of us, it's time to go back, so that the very same solution comes more easily every time.

It deals, with the chronic anxiety of those who always want to remain "at the center of attention", of the Tyrant who wants other people to work in the place of them, of the Artist who sticks to success and always creates the same old job. Beyond this peak, in fact, the Unknown awaits us, the Waste of Energy in trying to make a job concretely, and see it not working: why risking it?

    This is what Sadistic-Narcissistic Disorder consists of: getting "to the top" and always repeating the very same path, without ever truly innovating. It means never having achieved emotional independence and, in the paragraph The Fish-Man Syndrome, I tried to give it a sociological explanation, because in my opinion this phenomenon is structural

6) Level of Blue-Indigo

Finding a Way Down: Clouds are Dark

    the Path – Define a Project

From this moment on, a correspondence is created with the phases of the Ascending Path: as before with Dark Matter, now it is the Clear Idea the one which – after the moment of exaltation – represents my riddle, since I have to plan its realization.

It is possible then, that I will start to go down a road that will turn out to be a crevasse, then having to go back and look for another way, get to the sense of helplessness and start over: this is the path of Prototyping.

7) Level of Violet

The Cabin in the Woods: it's Raining

    the Dress – Putting Materials together

The Violet represents the finished work.

8) Level of Red

Night falls in the Valley: the Moon is reflected in the Lake

    "the Low Death"

Yes, we are mirroring ourselves in our own work; but the time has come for us to rest, because from tomorrow on, our work will show all of its imperfections. Sleeping is like dying, and our Innovation will die with us: from tomorrow it will be "Dark Matter" again, incomprehensible.

    I am quite sure that your dreams often end with images that indicate a Principle of Destruction: whitewashed Walls peel and start to crumble; Floors disconnect – and fossile oil emerges from below; the Sea submerges ancient buildings; we struggle to move – we die. They all are images that remind us of the Principle of Change: that there never is a definitive Solution
    So, Dreams too leave us, reminding us of their own fragility: the fragility of Memory

We should only notice, that this new Lake is in a valley that is a little higher than the previous one. The Energy we have put into our work – transforming Water into a Cloud, then into Rain – we find it precisely in the fact that we have "raised up the level" compared to the previous one.

That is, we have "learned" something through creative work – through its difficulties. If we decide not to move forward when we have a creative idea, unfortunately we will not face new challenges, consequently we will not learn anything.

    This is why the deep meaning of my Three-Words Method is that in order to solve a problem we have to create other problems – so I just make these further problems to be a "modular" representation of the main problem
Solving Problems using their Modular Representation


Continuous Prototyping

So we have seen that Dreams define a Path of Ideation and Realization which also represents the very way in which Dreams ask to be interpreted – Analysis, Synthesis, Verification and Realization – in order for us to get "accustomed" to this structure, gradually solving our own "creative workflow".

Since the moment we instinctively realize a risk of blocking, we prepare a Dream to flag which specific "Transformation Level" is affected by the resistance to change; therefore we will use a symbolic-instinctive language built associatively on top of specific Memories related to that behavior.

– In this way, the Rational mind will learn to follow this same "Curve" both to interpret Dreams, and to learn "Problem-solving" – while, clearly, getting able to recognize and reshape the habits causing that blocking.

Since the finished Work is nothing but an Obstacle that we set by ourselves, for us to overcome it and continually to improve ourselves; relatively to the evaluation of how that Solution responds to the Problems of Life, this energetic-logical Structure is called "Continuous Prototyping".

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