Arredamento di Interni (2021)

The Three-Words Study Method (2021)

[► versione in Italiano]

Change is self-similar.

A stochastical-heuristic approach to Study and Self-Motivation, based on the Interpretation of Dreams as Fractals

How to get rid of the dichotomy "Duty comes before Pleasure" and find again one's own creative balance

Series — "The Interpretation of Dreams as Fractals"

► 1. The Three-Words Study Method
2. The Non-Linear Language Learning Method
3. The Rainbow Serpent
○ Follow-Up's (Research Main Page)



The Fish Ancestors, Two Fishes swimming beside in the Blue


Studying as a Therapy

I hereby present a successful study method which can be described as Associative and Intuitive. It is the report of a Personal research of a non-academic nature, but with minimal references where necessary to known or validated theories (in the text with the symbol "►" of external link) with respect to what it could be intended as "common knowledge".

— In particular, the "Interpretation of Dreams as Fractals", the "Fish-Man Syndrome" and clearly the "Three-Words Method"; but also the "Hybridization of Topics" and the "Mystic Phrase"; are completely mine original and mainly come from my experience with the Interpretation of Dreams – a kind of studies which basically makes people aware of some tiniest mind patterns, allowing a day-by-day adjustment of an "ever-experimental" path.

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CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 – Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike

THE RECURSIVE LOGIC. The whole mechanism can be referred to the "Method of Free Thought Concatenations" described by Sigmund Freud in his Interpretation of Dreams [Wikipedia]; but the fundamental idea of my works consists in recursively applying a "Conceptual Framing", that is, creating a Project increasingly generalized according to a "Fractal Growth" – which I tailored after my need for Multitasking. Nevertheless, you may intend it as a collection of suggestions – the same as, for what I am concerned, I will keep on with my experiments.

WHY DO PROBLEMS BECOME OBSTACLES? What I refer to, is the essence of a larger issue which implies not only "memory skills", but also a global trend to ► Personality disorders [Wikipedia] with a particular reference to Performance anxiety as its primary cause – a problem which I consider a cultural issue, not only individual, unfortunately thence promoted as a "Social Value", which however is nothing but an ► Affective Blackmail [Wikipedia] standardized as "Educational Method".

— In other words, my system is an "indirect strategy" to turn away the mind from an attitude to Idealizing Future (causing to skipping problems between us and our idealized Target); to instead bring attention to the present moment, focusing on (and enjoying) problems as "disguised opportunities".

FORM AND TRASCENDENCY. This work is about the "Method-without-Method applied to Learning": the construction of a competence based on the deepening of Issues that are generated at the same time of the study, thus orienting the study itself and activating deep mechanisms of self-motivation; therefore the constitution of a "Trascendental Thought – based, but not constrained by a Form", that is, intimately aimed at Innovation, as the fundament of an authentic "entrepreneurial" spirit.

THE SEARCH FOR THE "METHOD WITHOUT METHOD". Nothing different, in principle, from the common exhortation at school desks, "Read and Repeat with your own Words"; the problem, as everyone knows, is the abysmal difference between a sequential procedure, relying on a mechanical review – certainly effective, but unsustainable from a motivational point of view, in a competitive often and subdued context, which on the contrary, it favors a Notionistic attitude (in fact defined as "scholastic method"); and instead the involved attitude, which deals with the study subject in a holistic, disordered way, then more and more detailed but relational, and eager for progress.

    This involved attitude could therefore be an image of a "Method without Method"

LOVE FOR PROBLEMS. We know, however, that even in emotional involvement there is the risk of relying on the momentary inspiration, or of closing oneself in a sector (see ► "The Passion Trap", video by Barbara Oakley [Coursera]) or for it to be supported by the need for esteem, or even by revenge; but competence is not competition (in Latin: "when many ask for the same thing") – it is the pleasure of challenging one's own limits, or better, when love brings us beyond the Fear of the Unknown:

    Love is the Love for Knowledge

And Mystery is its door.

The Interpretation of Dreams

Is there a rational, functional way to recall the "emotionally involved" attitude at will?

LOVING IS NOT WANTING. Actually, there is no technique or detail resulting in a "cause-and-effect mechanism": the mechanisms involved in this method are not under the control of Rationality, and we should rather speak of "attitude".

THE PROBLEM OF CREATIVE BLOCKING. My "discussion" is an attempt to formalize my experience with the Interpretation of Dreams, since the moment I understood that Dreams are a "guided exercise" for the Intuition faculties, as part of a precise feed-back mechanism focused on the attitude we carry out daily activities:

    — "Why do you have so many books on the table? what is the real meaning of those books?"

just as these situations are a symptom of obstacles ("Emotional blocks") to an harmonious development and creative ("Creative workflow").

THE INSTINCT TO CONFIGURATIONS. I therefore isolated some Principles, closely related to Artistic expression, which are compatible with an intentionality of purpose:

— The most important principle is, rightly, the Recursive Indefinability on Scale of Dimension, what is now called Fractal Geometry . The same way ► Juan Miró [Wikipedia] used to define precise Forms starting from random schemes; just as we all try to find sharp Forms in Clouds, this method thus seeks to bring the principle of Indefiniteness into the field of Abstract Concepts, which for this very reason, become easier to manipulate.

In practice, I use Random Elements taken from a text, to create a Reference Structure for those contents; and the same way I can apply the same principle to smaller sections of the text, I can do it at an immediately higher (extra-textual) scale also, by creating a "Fictitious Project" that holds that text, or more texts and activities together (my Priorities).

— By setting, these Structures are undefined, and it is only through in-depth study that I will be able to delineate their physiognomy. To this purpose, I will use the material of my Priorities as a concrete reference: by reflecting my Working Material on these Structures as if they were mirrors, I will be able to find a variety of evaluations and connections also in the personal sphere, resources otherwise lost in the anxiety of a result.

STUDYING AS EMANCIPATION. In this way, learning becomes personalized and dynamic thanks to Creating Questions, since the lack of firm references naturally leads to an inquisitive attitude that is self-motivated: by exploiting this principle, it is possible to activate an involvement that implies confrontation with one's own limits, then the planification of a Strategy. This moreover results therapeutic in situations where the fear of losing one's own limits is, on the contrary, an obstacle to personal emancipation, an obstacle that often comes from educational contexts that impose predefined answers and trigger Comformism.

Living "the Fractal way"

Before leaving you to this work, hoping that it will be useful, let me emphasize that the Indefinability also implies Graduality – but it is also true that it is Troubles, the context where valid strategies are consolidated; and since this method is based on the Creation of Problems, please consider how to interpret it... in a fractal way! (► Heinz-Otto Peitgen [Wikipedia]).

PS – For a practical application of this system, see: ► The Non-Linear Language Learning Method


The Form of Forms

MY SUCCESS AS SURREALIST. The origin of this method can be referred to my studies in interpreting my own dreams, to which studies I came, due to having tried to better my realistic drawing techniques for my ► Surrealist artworks (1996-1999) – a genre based on the pure Representation of Dreams, born inside a more general Fantasy-Epic context: I was 20 years old and, since some years, I had been collecting dreams of wonderful appearance that soon led me to recognitions (among which a Jury Mention at Premio Arte 1998 and a friend's exam thesis about my works), making me wonder about a true artistic career.

MY STUDIES ON THE SHAPE OF CLOUDS. These figurative exercises concerned above all Perspective and Natural Elements, with particular interest in ► Clouds and Trees (which as you may see, often appeared in my dreams), and were finally condensed in my work ► The Knight of Water (2001) which, however, was the last one in the Fantasy genre, since studying Clouds brought me on the contrary to the abstract/materic research.

    It is quite curious how, starting from a real landscape that inspired it (a thunderstorm), The Knight of Water can be "biographically" read just like "the Fantasy-Figurative World gives place to the Materic Expressionism" – with the first work of the genre (► EoCP, 2001) already in the same year

THE SHAPE OF DESTINY. In the meantime then, that my drawing studies conformed to the dreams I wanted to portray – which made me go further deep inside that world; I realized at some point that I could have compared the Recursive Geometry of Clouds to the "Logic" of my dreams, because of apparently "modular" correspondences to the events of real life; that is, as if dreams were based on a Syntax in common with Geometry and to Events, therefore capable of representing itself "always the same but in many different forms" – an idea that the Ancient Greeks already applied to Oracles, in the belief that Destiny occurred anyway (as "Shape of the Events"), regardless of its historical manifestation.

MODELS OF REALITY. As I would have understoof further on, that was a hint therefore to consider Dreams as a Model of Reality, written with a symbolic language: we tend customarily, to think that they are totally "out of any logic", due to huge sequential gaps; but that is absolutely not, and those gaps are likely meaningful themselves: dreams should be approached with a Sherlock Holmes' attitude, seeking for relations between apparently unrelated elements, inquiring any "detail" and "inconsistency" as meaningful. Dreams actually pose themselves as a "training for Intuition", and have a perfectly comprehensible underlying logic, the s.c. "hidden meaning".

— Nevertheless, their embarassing complexity may open various interpreting directions, for a virtually infinite deepening at various Levels of Abstraction: concerning the Self, up to the System that contains it, so that the "meaning" may often be translated into that abstraction of the "Form of the Events" – a kind of "Natural principle" that resembles a lot a Taoist proverb (for eg. "Light-weight things tend to go upwards").

Dreams and the Crave for Success

THE PLANET OF DELUSIONS. Thanks to the idea of "Logical-Geometric Recursion" and of "Form of Forms", I therefore started a Fractal approach on dreams' symbols which would lead me to an ability of interpreting "on many levels at the same time" (a concept I borrowed from Hermeneutics of Sacred Texts) – in particular since 2007, when I could state having given a dream a "meaning" that made enough sense:

    There had been a terrible Alien invasion which brought an epidemics; charts full of deads got stuck in the mud, and deads kept on transforming into cannibal zombies; but suddenly the spaceship flew away

By observing this description, I suddenly realized that "the Starship flew away" indicated me I was on the right path to drop off my obsessions coming from "the Planet of Delusions" – some idealizations for a future "with no more problems", expressing a regression desire of turning back into an uterine dimension.

    My adventure with dreams had just took off

DREAMS AS AUTO-CANNIBALISM. In their most basic layer, Dreams are the Representation of Themselves playing Themselves: this Logical Recursion means that each symbol inside a dream can be first of all, read like that:

    I am the Dream: I am just like an alien Spaceship that brings you Obsessions

This, because my problem with Surrealism was, that the precocious success I was obtaining by painting dreams down, made me clutter with those projects within short time, so that the Dreams stored for my Surrealist project were "eating up" any other different professional aim, in that "they made people turn into cannibal zombies" – because rather than interpreting them and transform myself, I kept them in a "zombie" state, opportunistically waiting to turn them into an artwork for my own "success".

Therefore it is not true that the Artistic Activity lies above any existential fallacy; rather it is true that, since the Artistic activity can be seen as an "abstract representation" of Creative Research, the cluttering tendency to Materialism that arises from the Crave for Success (see ► Compulsive Hoarding [Wikipedia]) can be eventually applied to any other expectation in life (called Projection in Psychoanalysis).

— Obsessions kill creative-strategic energies, so the anxious Aim for Success is surely the main point Dreams would ever deal with.

AUTOCANNIBALISM AS SOLUTION. Consequently, Dreams pose themselves as Exercise, and, as such, it "eats my Resources" – that is, my Time; but in this case it will be time spent in removing the source of the problem itself: the Anxiety of Time. So this is how, starting from a vigorous representation of a problem, Dreams make use of the very same image to propose its creative interpretation. I called this phenomenon as Symmetrical Recursion, the fact that a dream is both the "Problem" AND the "Solution" to it.

    I am the Dream, I am like an Alien Spaceship that brings you a Higher technology: if you want to get rid of Obsessions, make me fly away

That is, "If you want to free a Dream's potential, you need to study the Dream" (instead of "holding it" in its symbolic representation). I could therefore do the same operation on each symbol, and say f. eg. that Dreams brought me a special "Alien Disease" which makes me capable of "feeding myself on the representation of dreams" and get "stronger" – but then you could argue it is a forced interpretation:

— I reply that it is precisely in this forcing that I demonstrate having acquired the invitation to interpreting even extremely pessimistic representations "in a positive key", because (we will see now) Dreams are basically expression of an Existential Principle.

That is, this is the way my body is telling me that, by going deep inside an issue ("studying the dream"), I will transform my attitude, since "learning is changing". Generalizing:

    Dreams are an education to loving Life through the Sublimation of Matter ("Trascendency")

The Fish-Man Syndrome

THE PERMISSION TO GROW UP. The Love of Life is mainly expressed by enjoying Problem-solving, by being curious towards the Unforecasted events, and this is a spontaneous approach in human nature; but time, together with Affective blackmails can turn audacity into shyness and regression, developing a trend to Mental dependence, so that people will always feel the urge to "mirror" a requested behaviour ("having to do the right thing") and receive the "Permission to Grow" from an authority that they themselves endowed with a Life-Death power. This is the origin of Sadistic-narcissistic Personality disorders, which actually are a "missed growth", an eternal need "to be protected against the Unknown", that is, for never to die: this is the Fear of Life.

TOYS IN THE ATTIC. Basically, however, this attitude doesn't really deal with persons, but with entire civilizations. The Personality disorders are almost certainly inherited by an anxious blackmailing educational model passing accross generations, that can be tracked back to Authoritarian regimes and the need for a homogeneous control. This control is realized by kidnapping the maternal love and blackmailing about it, in order to get the desired behaviour, since children need Stability. If a child is not allowed to develop Self-Confidence, then is lost (see ► René Spitz [Wikipedia]); and if the English proverb "Having Toys in the Attic" describes a paranoid psychosis, the motto "Duty comes before Pleasure" is generally seen as the quintessential educational principle, when instead causes a dissociation "Job ≠ Fun" (Job being not a social expression of oneself), and in facts is a paradox:

    Show me you are adult, and I will let you develop your Identity

THE QUEST FOR THE GOLDEN FLEECE. This infinite Generational Blackmailing Education is therefore based on a "Impossible mission" charging the victim, the above said Quest for the Right Thing: a "Magical Object" to bargain one's own Freedom of Choice, which however "can never be found", because, if a Tyrant lets a blackmail be solved, they will loose their power onto that person. Therefore, since it basically deals on being judged on the basis of a Mirroring behaviour, the Tyrant's Esteem will never be "reached", and the level of request will increasingly grow, obliging to an alternative between Exellence or Failure, that is, between Life or Death, to which many will prefer Self-Sabotage: Failing not to fail.

— The Permission to Grow is actually a functional deceiving, and the only other solution is represented by two main attitudes, the Hypocrite submission ("Rebel Comformism") and Seizing the Power ("Comformist Rebellion") to become paranoid Tyrants on their turn, and finally take possession all the Goods they were blackmailed with ("Fetichistic Materialism"): because, at the very base of this chain, there is always a Lack of Affection and of Self-Confidence due to the Kidnapping of Maternal Love.

THE FISH-MAN SYNDROME. To sum up: the blackmailed person grows with the anxiety of bringing the Tyrant "the Right Thing" (Stability) in order to get their Mom-Toy (the Permission to Grow) back in exchange; but this is exactly what happened to the Tyrant themselves before:

– That is, if the "Solution of the Blackmail" practically consists in "bringing the Tyrant their own Mom-Toy", this however implies solving the blackmail of which the Tyrant's Parent was a victim, who, in order to free themselves, they have to solve the blackmail of which the Tyrant's GrandParent was a victim... and so on, climbing backwards in the past this chain without end.

This way, the only true Solution of the Blackmail is going backwards in Time up to the "Earliest Ancestors" – a scheme that I therefore called The Fish-Man Syndrome since this idealized, and impossible Solution might be represented by the image of the Ancestral Fishes, while the Obsession of Time that arises from having to accomplish this "mission", is the basis for developing Psychosis.

THE END OF ALL PROBLEMS. Narcissism therefore, which in the common sense is related to "Vanity", is much more related with the anxiety of Reaching an Idealized Solution that implies personal Survival. In this sense, Time is the Enemy in the Narcissistic thought, because anything interposes with reaching the Solution-Fetish is perceived as Death: a Narcissist does not want to deal with Problems, as they imply Change (Death), so they typically aim at command and enslavery roles to avoid any Effort – paradoxically (but comprehensibly) putting all of their resources and strategies in trying to reach that condition (uterine). Therefore in its manifestation as Sadism too, it should be better intended as Competition for the Prize, rather than to inflicting Pain.

— In this mind, children are an extension of oneself, "copies" meant to accomplish the "Mission" and solve the problem of permanent Homeostasis – a cultural neurosis that can be identified in the Obsession for Success: the end of all problems.

THE ETERNAL QUEST FOR MATERNAL MILK. Dreams give a logic alternative to this deceiving. By going at the historical roots of Symbols, the Past is reached again in a mental dimension, exploring the real motivations behind the Everyday actions and decisions, since each of those symbols is a "Fetichistic Projection" of the Right Thing – until we will discover again that the Basic Common Symbol of all those projections is the Maternal Milk, or better (since people dream even before being born), the Stability as the necessary base for further explorations.

Stability, besides a right of childhood, can't however really be a human target, but a consequence of a continuous progress and experimentation. Dreams are exercises to develop the Strategic Thougth: by giving this intellectual nurture to Problem-solving, Dreams are aimed at Emancipation as they obey to a greater principle than individual decisions, since each individual is part of a Species. Dreams therefore are an expression of the Vital Principle and need free individuals to explore the universe and go beyond the borders of Fear. Because at the bottom of this exploration, we will find the love of our ancestral Fish-parents and the audacity that brought them out of the Sea.

Dreams and Intuition

TRIGGERING INTUITION WITH ASSOCIATIONS. The Interpretation of Dreams tries to open a creative flow through emotional clutters, and Intuition is its main tool: the Interpretation activity itself is meant to trigger Actions based on Intuition, because intuition does not obey mental patterns, but breaks them, so that new habits may be formed.

While the Free Association of Ideas (in ► Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams [Wikipedia]) is a preliminary and exploratory activity of each symbol, then Intuition is that "sudden idea" that makes us see not only the "Connection" among all symbols (the overall meaning of the representation), but it also triggers an Impulse to Action that likely makes us start "doing something" without having planned it – that is, without an idealized Motivation ("fixation"), just pragmatic, immediate – for example:

    Example of Associative Onyrical Symbol Analysis

    Free Associations of Ideas

    Alien Spaceship Vampires Chariots
    Unknown dangers, Death
    Higher level of Knowledge
    show higher Skills
    social exclusion
    being a "monster"
    being an immigrant
    Monster, fear
    Non-Dead / Suspended
    The Black Side
    Dream are from the Black side
    Fantasy, Creativity
    stuck in the mud
    Slow, Antiquate
    Authentic, Healthy
    Scholastic method, Notionism


    you're taking advantage of your own creative side to impress people
    to get "food" back
    but you're just bogging among projects and eating up yourself
    Accept New Problems

EACH DAY NEW DREAMS. This brings us to the global sense of the question: the Interpretation of Dreams is like going to school and learn (again) a mind without bias, free from the anxiety of having to get rid of the obstacles between us and our "final prize" (Mom's Love and the Permission to Grow); and this school will teach us that Problems Never End inside a dynamic system, that each day will bring us "a new dream to solve" – that is, a different and increasingly difficoult challenge, where the previous solution won't just fit: Accept the new challenge!

Confusion and Contemplation are therefore two states of mind that are fundamental in any Problem-solving strategy (the so called "Method without Method"), so the ability to the Associations of Ideas, and to Intuition – which is a new association that didn't exist before – must be part of a good study technique.

On Christian Religion

GOD WANTS YOU TO CHOOSE FREELY. The above speech may easily be turned into religious concepts, while this is not the place I wanted to talk about that, I also think these ideas should be extremely simple; so when I say that Psychotic disorders are a cultural fact rather than individual, I may refer to the fact that Jesus' God is "Absolute Love", which only means that anyone should feel free to take a professional path as a consequence of a day-by-day activity and decision-structuring, rather than be blackmailed to comform to whatever "Model".

REBELLION IS STILL OBEDIENCE. The phenomenon of "Behavioural Stereotypes" appears to be historically inherited from emergency social situations, where anyone has to "do their part" and obey a temporary leader; that easily turned into paranoid authoritarian regimes, who narrow any possible professional choice according to opportunist Utilitarianism (Soldiers or Craftsmen; Priests; Prostitutes) and create Evil anywhere outside their borders (see for example the movie ► THX-1138 [Wikipedia]). This eventually has to be the most logical reason why the mystic Jesus was executed as a political dissident – that is, a troublemaker – while he actually suggested that Rebellion is still a form of Mental dependence (as seizing the Power is an expression of Attachment), and to rather tackle any regime by following one's own Spirit.

THE GOOD TIDINGS IS THAT YOU ARE GUILTY OF NOTHING. Jesus' philosophy appears to be an original synthesis between the Lifestyle of the Deserts, where anyone is responsible of each other; and the Lifestyle of the Cities, where each professional specialization brings a new contribution; but generally we give more importance to the first part, so Christianity is mainly about Solidarity ("the Good Samaritan"); we always tend to forget, and this aspect may have been intentionally underestimated, that Jesus is The Saviour because he said that a society embracing Difference is capable of Evolution, and that children should develop their own talent free from any dogmatism – so that Christianity is much more the Philosophy of Emancipation through Professional Development, because such society is much more intertwined whereas its members have a genuine interest into enhancing each other's potential, rather than corporations of scared individualists exploiting each other in a competition for God's Love:

— referring to the allegorical example of the Original Sin, Jesus therefore brings the revolutionary idea that any Sin is not such, as long as it is part of a personal evolution, and that the Expulsion from Paradise has to be read in its positive dimension of getting adult and responsible of a Family, as a consequence of having gone after... the Mystery of Intuition.

Because Intuition goes beyond borders of Certainty, and Faith is the Faith in our own intuitions. This is Loving Life.


The Three-Words Technique

CREATING A FRAME. After many years spent in this personal exploration, I defined the essential guidelines for an Associative-Intuitive, and Fractal study method which is based on the idea of a casual selection of items (stochastical) used as a search/ and structural parameter (heuristic)

    Besides, it shares some similarity with ► Jerome Bruner's Scaffolding [Wikipedia] concept, in that a "filter" is a better approach to a source of data, rather than trying to get all the possible meanings all in once; so it's right to quote him also.

THE STEPS. I therefore thought I had to reduce my method to a very simple technique that did not imply too many passages, so I called the following as Method of the Three Words consisting in two/three actions:

1. PICK THREE RANDOM WORDS — Pick three random words from the text you have to learn, and note them down. From now on, these will be our "Three-Words", which you are going to use as done above to "interpret a dream" (chapter 1): initially keeping them separate to form "chains of associations", but you will see they tend to conceptually combine with each other; hence the idea directly to combine them into "sentences to be interpreted".

I will illustrate this procedure by using Iphigenia in Aulis (by Euripides, 5th century BC):

rule woman torment

You may of course use as many "Words" as you want, but I find 3 of them to just accomplish one session. You may also notice how in some examples I use chunks of sentence: that makes it easier to combine them into a suggestion (yielding something like surrealist ► Cadavre Exquis [Wikipedia]), but it is bit harder to abstract from them.

    But wait! let's proceed with order

2. RANDOM CARELESS READING — Now forget the Three-Words, and read through your study-text without a defined pattern, just as if you were not even able at reading. Your aim at this point is not to "understand", but to "observe". So let this action be rather physical: let your eyes cross the lines, going out of the page, back and forth at will accross the text, leaving sentences suspended, etc.

The "Method without Method" is all there, in this "non-activity" of pure observation without classification called "Contemplation" (ref. in particular ► Jiddu Krishnamurti [Wikipedia]), and it is right from this that spontaneously arises Analytical Thought; therefore with a typically Oriental comparison remember that

    this phase is like boiling water for tea, it cannot happen faster even if we put the will to understand, every single particle of water will have to reach a suitable temperature before all the water can boil
    The "Attention without Intention is the Flame that heats water; and the Vapor that comes from boiling water is the Intuition that transforms Knowledge into Innovation - and this is instead Transcendent Thought

However, since this way Attention is likely to remain too aloof anyway, then it is the case to implement a simple interaction with the text in a non-programmatic way – for example by looking for basic structural or phonetic similarities: no matter how much they make sense, but they do a lot. If you want, take note of the hints you used, so that you may easily recall the reasonments they triggered. You will discover that the more you are "childish", possibilist, disordered, weird – the better you enter the topic. This finally is the Associative Thought.

3. SUM UP WITH THE "THREE-WORDS" — When you feel that too many ideas are crowding in mind, then pause; and use the Three-Words as "Aggregators" by trying to give their combinations as many different meanings you can (see Table). Combining words together is a practical way to create suggestive ideas, which help to recall concepts; but to be honest I would like this to happen spontaneously during the process, and not mechanically.

For the same reason, don't risk a Burn-Out by setting the Three-Words and structure a "Conceptual Search" right away, and get rid of the nonsensical Phase-2: this may work with an occasional reading, but approaching this technique too systematically will make you tire quickly. I mean, the important thing is not distinguishing between "steps 1-2-3" (which I necessarily have to do here), but of being aware of what we are doing: Phase-2 is essentially exploratory as it is easier to focus on details, having a generalized knowledge before.

rule + woman
rule + torment
woman + torment

    • a "tragedy", where an oracle imposes the sacrifice of a girl
    • the oracle of Iphigenia's sacrifice is Agamemnon's torment
    • Agamemnon must not let Clytemnestra know anything
    • the commitment to war for Helen will be the downfall of Greeks
    • the reason for the war is Paris's judgment of the most beautiful goddess
    • Achilles gets angry when he finds out about a fake wedding with Iphigenia
    • the goddess Artemis does not want Iphigenia to be sacrificed
    • etc

REPEAT — The secret of this technique is that each new group of Three-Words will offer a different way to interpret the text – a different "Point of view", each time finding different aspects of the same thing, increasing your knowledge of a topic.

This means that each new "Filter" will help you building a "Conceptual Model" so you will simply go on your own, looking for answers. Basically, the core of this survey is all here: Emancipation.

You will therefore realize that you are reading in a completely different way, so consider that you are only at the beginning of a new skill, and that you will need time to understand how it works. I personally obtain results only through a slow reading, though chaotic; but if you can do better, you surely do not need me.

In practice, this is about the conscious application of Spontaneity – in particular, of the active dimension of Receptivity – where, to the bad habit of forcing a Sequential-linear approach, we rehabilitate what is known in Eastern philosophies as "The Way of the Body", whose characteristic in this case, is a progressive structuring of Knowledge starting from spontaneous random exploration.

    Which makes this attitude a "Non-Linear – Non-Method"

Studying for Emancipation

THE STRATEGIC USE OF INDEFINITENESS. The main idea is that a "Logical Frame" helps us enter the topic and develop Questions for us to explore the text on our own. This happens because we have a tendency to interpret Random Forms according to known criteria (see the ► Gestalt Theory [Wikipedia]), so that I only need a few combinations of «rule/torment/woman» to sum up Iphigenia in Aulis.

It deals of the same phenomenon used in a suggestive way in Astrology, Politics and Religion especially, exploiting the tendency to bring indefinite descriptions back to "real" situations. As mentioned above (chap. 1), the Need for Stability is a physiological parameter of the mind and, in the case of suffering, it comes immediate trying to compensate personal expectations by seeing just "what we want to see" – but this only increases the dependence on everything upon which we project such "certainties".

    My study system therefore tries to overcome this instinctive phase of "projection of a need", accustoming the mind to a more diversified attitude

A CREATIVE INTERPRETATION OF RULES. The ability to tackle a topic in a non-programmatic way can in fact, be the key to understanding it more effectively. So, any other kind of "Configuration" will work great as a Concrete Reference for Abstract Concepts, to break up the topic in our mind and be able to rework it – and in the place of the "Three-Words" with the function of Aggregators, we may also use Graphic symbols, Numbers, Groups of Letters and Sounds, Images, etc. according to the Topic.

CREATING VIRTUAL MODELS. As I said above, this technique is just a creative way of applying the famous school adage "Read and repeat in your own words", avoiding however both piling up notes, or getting lost trying to keep everything in mind. The main issue is that, most of times, "Studying" cannot be translated into practice: so there has to be a way to enter the topic through sheer imagination. Once you understand this "trick", you get to manage the process simultaneously: Reading and asking questions, Reading and seeking answers.

This system is meant for creating targeted Questions for a progressive orienting during study itself; it is a simple though very powerful system because Questioning leads to creating Virtual Models, that is, hypothesis. Actually, this is a way to create a Dialogue with the Work and its Author, thus entering THEIR OWN "Model of Reality". Since any Work is a "Transformation", imagine yourself asking the Author:

    — "How did you solve the question of the Transformation of the Matter?"

Telling Good Lies

IPHIGENIA GOES TO THE DISCO-PARTY. So, the first "contemplative-associative" reading of Iphigenia in Aulis leads me to imagine the story:

    A modern girl named Iphigenia, wants to go dancing with friends in a city called Aulis: she will therefore have a long discussion with her parents who do not want her to come back late, and above all they don't want her to go out dressed provocatively

Is this the story? obviously not; but one thing is stacking a sequence of facts and descriptions, the other is manipulating a Mental Model until it matches the real representation; and I believe that the true meaning of "Emancipation" does not lie in doing "the Right Thing" immediately, but being able to freely express oneself and adapting the solutions to reality – a practice known in Design as "Continuous Prototyping".

    Knowing how to make mistakes is a far greater skill than knowing how to obey, because there is no learning without creation

MAKING CHILDREN GROW UP. You may notice that the Association technique recalled in phase-2 is already well known in Mnemotechnics, as it creates unusual images making it easier to recall (eg. see ► video by Nelson Dellis [Youtube]). However, its using in this Method is very different – basically unstructured – aimed at a fluid, spontaneous "Analytic Primary Thought": a smooth transitioning from a "Undefined" state, to isolating "Elements and Relationships" accross the text. Thanks to this, increasingly specific Questions may be formulated.

    If you are "childish" and "nonsensical" in this earliest approach, this is great; but if you do not go further to that level, your knowledge of the topic will comprehensibly stay "immature" as well

REWORKING IS JUST EVERYTHING. So we rather want to stimulate a "Conceptual Reworking" by promoting Short-Term Memory: we perform quick passages of a effortless, pleasant, exploratory, adaptive, associative kind of reading, then we reflecting on the impressions, until the elements begin to connect in Mind – possibly, in a way that "does not exactly follow the text".

— That is the point, transforming a inert Block of Informations, into a Creative Expression of our own; and this is achieved through the creation of Hypothesis and Questions – something that we make spontaneous by using Elements taken from that very Block of Informations; as studying does not mean "remembering", but somehow "predicting" the reasonments in that text.

In this way, Memory is not overloaded statically, but enters a continuous flow of exchange, facilitated by the natural tendency to alternate concentration with relaxation, therefore working with the spontaneous re-emergence of memory impressions.

    Consequently, selecting some Elements as "aggregators", we help Ideas at focusing a little better – which sounds like using catalysts in Chemistry

The Man who Wanted to Read Everything

THE ANXIOUS FRAGMENTATION. The way I turn Iphigenia in Aulis into a modern story recalls a creative technique by ► Gianni Rodari ("Making Wrong Stories") [Wikipedia]. However, our aim here is not "alternative stories", but an alternative to an anxious approach. Actually, I personally am much more affected by a different tale by Gianni Rodari (Novelle Fatte a Macchina. Una Per Ogni Mese – Novembre: I Giornali) – talking about a traveller who wanted to read a stack of newspapers, systematically by reading one page for each: the story ends with an expression of pity for that man and his paranoid method.

— The idea I am going to develop in this survey is that Multitasking cannot be ruled by such rationalized programs – which only comply with a materialistic obsession that unavoidably leads to fragmentation; but should be rather let to Intuition, and framed into a Project at a superior abstraction level.

THE POSITIVE VOID. This is where the "Non-Method" starts to make sense: a "soft" approach which goes the long way. This technique was developed with the aim of getting "interested" in something that:

    1) is in huge amounts
    2) we are not interested into, but we have to do it
    3) is challenging – practically totally another language

The overall Principle of this Method is that we get interested in anything we assimilate. This is not possible with a Notional approach: Knowledge and Linear Thought (therefore also any "Codified Method") may only be consequence of otherwise a confused behaviour, of blindfolded experiments, even of hopelessness – but always personal. If we always put the systematic way as an approach, no surprise that this creates the "Winner-or-Looser" society, who always need "to be judged" on their results, and never engaged in a Research.

    In other words, this method is Self-Motivating as it aims at creating a "Positive Obsession", an involvement in a Project which replaces an anxiety

A Fractal Time-Management

FEATURES OF THE INTUITIVE-FRACTAL METHOD. You will verify, that this system makes it for a revolutionary difference from a linear/sequential approach to studying; for example, these are some benefits related to the Associative-Intuitive aspect of the method:

  • Improved Mnemonics: After days, by only referring to those three words, you will still remember a lot of details you just read randomly
  • Global understanding: You may immediately grasp the basic concepts of a whole text, and practically don't need to pile up notes
  • Intuitive Motivation: Intuition (chap.1) is a sudden suggestion to Change which comes from Focusing. The gradual deepening on a parts of that text, may therefore lead to an urge to changing topic, or even to feel in the mood to begin an always procrastinated task. So just do it

This is instead about the Fractal aspect:

  • Recursion: Three more elements may be collected from the same text in following times to have a "refreshed" approach, getting new details, reinforcing the previous ones in a different way
  • Self-Similarity: After having worked on the whole text, and got an overview, you may then apply the same technique to single chapters, for a deeper level of details and understanding
  • Fractal (in the meaning of Chaotic): Randomness appears to be an effective Problem-solving approach strategy in Nature, besides a playful one, to the exploration of an item, supporting learning as it keeps attention up, while the Three-Words provide the primary scaffolding for memory
  • Fractal (in the meaning of Modular): The Base-Pattern is made of Elements taken from within the Text, so actually it is a "Modular Representation of that Text". Hence, any reasoning based on those Elements, will still be an "Image" of that Text. In other words, we have taken the Tools to analyze an Object, from the Object itself

TIME-MANAGEMENT. So this means that if I have to read "10 articles on the same topic", I am free to consider them as a whole (rather than one by one, moreover favoring the Abstraction of an overall concept) and to deepen only whereas worthy.

— It should certainly be clarified that, like any skill, it must be understood – but even more assimilated, because only this allows for it to be applied appropriately to the situation, experimenting with variations and verifying its effectiveness

DISCOVERING FRACTAL THOUGHT. For example, it also means that instead of reading those "10 articles" in an orderly sequence, I can randomly pick one each time, and let this very fact to determine the greater or lesser knowledge of any of them. You will soon realize that even choosing randomly, you will always fall into the same elements: that is, you will be experimenting in first person, what in the Theory of Chaos are called "Strange Attractors".

THE STRATEGIC RANDOMNESS. The fractal aspect, actually, could be well figured with the image of a piece of iron being consumed by rust:

    spots of rust start growing from random areas, and some could already be larger while others are just starting to develop; within some time their borders will join together and the whole subject will be digested!

The points where rust begins to form represent the Strategic Randomness, and smaller pockmarks that join the larger spots represent the effects of new approaches on the same text, that also create a Review of the previous studies.


To be Consistent (or not To be)

THE PROBLEM OF BEING DISCONTINUOUS. Being able to deepen a Topic implies therefore Continuity; however, we may experiment that going deep, may rather turn into an Intution to go after an urge, change topic, starting a gym session or whatever. This is perhaps the most controversial aspect of my Method, since common sense would rather suggest to stick on the same topic at least for a certain amount of time, closing out any "distractions".

OR BETTER, THE PROBLEM OF REPETITIONS. According to Neurology, the point at tissue is ► Repetition (by Eric Kandel) [Wikipedia] and of ► Pauses between Repetitions (R. Douglas Fields) [Wikipedia]. According to my studies on Dreams, it's rather about focusing on a Problem until it turns "into something else": who is right? the scientist or the poet?

    Unfortunately, this is just a bad way to pose the question, which does not take into account the main issue: the Motivation to Learning

RESEARCH AND ENTHUSIASM. The aspect of the Repetitions detected by Neurology has an intrinsically mechanistic aspect that can certainly be exploited to advantage, but – be careful – not used as a "premise" to the activity of study. My speech in chapter 1 (see above ► The Fish-Man Syndrome) instead distinguishes, I hope clearly enough, between:

    — the Narcissistic Fear of Change: an Existential Anxiety based on an Obsession for an already "predetermined" solution ("the Salvation") that results in avoiding Problems, as these might open alternatives to that goal
    — and the Enthusiasm for Discovery which instead is sustained precisely thanks to Problems, since they are the gateway to Knowledge and to the development of Innovation strategies

ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY. This simply means that if deepening a Problem leads me to change topic/activity, I would probably just be presumptuous to fix it right away; while going after an Intuition I accomplished something more important for that moment; and also took a break to reorganize that very Problem.

The deep effect of Intuitivity cannot be forced inside the borders of a topic, but it's expressed by Change, so it is rather about Movement; and a sudden Intuition that destabilizes my predictions, can be legitimately said "effect" of that study session.

    That is, I cannot state in advance what the solution of a problem would be, nor how much time will that take to me (I may well realize an overall vision, but details only come with time); so any bias in this activity may only result in limiting its potential, and be an expression of Performance anxiety – which is just the opposite thing

— This is the Repetition for real: it is not the stupid repeating the lesson to memorize it, but the constant and prolonged study of a Question, its exploration from many points of view – its internalization.

INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS AND CHANGE. In terms of the Dream function as a "Problem to Solve", the Interpretation of Dreams is actually meant to break old patterns through an Impulse to Action – but precisely, this does not mean that the Problem at the origin of that dream is thus solved: likely, more passages have to be developed before I am able to see its different aspects.

PLAYFULNESS AND DISORDER. Most of this work just points to a social bias against "Playfulness", as an obstacle to "acceptable" results. However, without Intimate involvement there is no focusing, therefore no innovation; I instead believe that Playfulness acts as a natural and efficient timer, and that Priorities can be set according the same principle.

    Actually, this whole system is a way to re-discuss priorities: there is a big difference between "Focusing", and "Stagnation"

Moreover, Order is a consequence of Confusion, therefore a "Non Structured" approach to a study-text, naturally tends to a logic-sequential structuring – but adding the great perk of having attempted a personal organization of concepts that just puts me on the active side of comprehension.

"WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE". The "Three-Words" work therefore as a "Fantasy Play", a very practical way in my opinion to create some "Problems" through Random Configurations, when we face a new topic and we are just missing any Question to enquire on.

— In particular, the mental re-elaboration is now of an "associative" type, which activates the Imagination, creating Questions that do not necessarily follow the reasoning of a text, and put the scholar in a situation of Instability.

    — Or rather, of social Instability: this is Audacity


Introduction to Multitasking

COMPARING "BRAINSTORMING" AND PROTOTYPING. The idea of using a Chaotic state to achieve a Configuration, well known in the artistic practice, surely recalls the ► Brainstorming technique [Wikipedia] as a "disorganized expression of ideas, from which to select those most suitable for the solution of a problem": I therefore wanted (also for a need of originality) to underline the main difference from my system, according to which – in front of a unknown topic – it is advisable to create any representation of that problem (a Mental Model) by means of "elements randomly taken from that topic", so as to be able to direct an increasingly deeper investigation of that Model – which in a sense is a premise itself of Brainstorming.

Moreover, I specified that an "Associative-Intuitive study system may lead me to "break a habit" by acting impulsively in a apparently extraneous way to that problem, which definitively puts it out of a short-term Profit Strategy.

UNBALANCING TOO TIGHT AN ORBIT. Now, focusing on one only text will get you saturated within short, so that you will no more be able at recognizing details. A way to optimize this eventuality, is therefore the "Multitasking" approach, which among the others will bring the greatest benefit of a relativized point of view on the first subject, refreshing it.

To say the truth, even before the "Wild Multitasking" I am going to deal here, it simply deals of placing one more text beside, whose elements help us to fix the concepts of the first text (the "true" one) or anyway at finding infinite hints of survey, as many as the subjects you compare to. So, it once again deals on the application of Associative Thinking where anything can be "something else". The second text is therefore just a way I can "unbalance" a focusing that on the contrary is hampering me.

SUM-UP IN "FLASH-CARD" STYLE. Anyway, in case of more Topics to carry on (which is frequent), let's review all the notes with Three-Words for each topic as some ► "Flash-Cards" [Wikipedia], and let's be energetic. You will find that this "heating up" brings a strong ability to Abstraction that, at a certain point (and proficiency), give the impression of being "juggling with ideas" which is very particular.

in any case, as it strongly implies Associative-Intuitive cognitive functions, it is very likely realizing a different path than what a topic seems to suggest – that is, we have entered a "non-linear" thought dimension that is meant to go out of the limits of a text-book: but this is an important issue which will be the topic of the next chapters.

"Flash-Card" Style Recall Sequence

Iphigenia in Aulis Clinical Neuropsychology today's Dream
these results
familiar images
young rebels
I am eating
flewing away

A PROJECT FOR ADHD. So I often wonder this method would fit ► ADHD situations [Wikipedia],, in that it goes along their urge of changing, rather than trying to pin it down – while noting down the "Three-Words" may help in sticking with a subject left paused – since, more or less, an exaggerated multitasking/generalism is surely the personal problem from which this system comes from. According to the pedagogist ► Maria Montessori [Wikipedia], ADHD is the expression of a creative frustration; in my opinion, maybe they only miss a Global Project to their fragmented activity?

    Below, an example of Form to keep track of many topics

Gathering notes by Subject

Computer Science

Taxonomy of Cyber Events
[# overview]
Cybesec. for everyone
[# cap 01-01]
Cybersec 4 everyone
[# cap 01-02]
Cobol (schaum)
[# overview]
mixing impact
those techniques
are no public domain
cyber different than
the ones and the zero
really strange quote
various examples
nation states
and together
the record field
or HIPO chart
PERFORM generate-time

Creative Time-Management (Hybridization)

GETTING RID OF HOUSEWORKS. Multitasking is a great way to carry on duties, since Attention tends to dim, and change helps instead keeping it up; thus, having a concise system for keeping track of learning paths is surely a great help.

It can therefore be verified that the Three-Words are also suitable for boring tasks, such as Houseworks, so that through some "Three-Objects" from that task, these duties too can be interpreted in an unusual way and provide the impetus to action starting from what is a pure mind game.

CREATING THE NEW. Actually I find, it's always better to stay consistent with the Topic in picking the random words, because mixing samples could make things more interesting, but also unreasonably more complicated, then less funny.

— Nevertheless, this idea of mixing topics (which I called "hybridization") shows extremely powerful, and it could be trasnformed into a good Time-management System: the Hybridization of Topics is a way to create a "Creative Challenge", that involves both the subjects into a "Project".

However, this requires more concentration on each of the two elements: the philosophical principle behind this technique is in facts, the formula 1 + 1 ⇌ 1 which means, that any innovation needs to be an expression of two identities – otherwise it deals on a annihilation of one of the two, which never produces innovation: so, where each one of the topics should be understood, before something new may come from them (see also my post ► God shakes a Storm on the Sea).

    Below, an example of Hybridization of Topics

Example of Hybridization


Instructions VKP in Swedish


Order tools on the table


Tool/ and furniture names in Swedish
The Barbaric Invasions
Dark-Metal music

Summarizing Creative Project

Swedish Language, Culture and Design

That is, what I otherwise would tend to approach in rather a mechanical and mnemonic ("scholastic") approach, may now become part of a Creative Multidisciplinary Project, in so that, in the above example, "Making order on the table" becomes a language exercise, or a different idea of storing, etc.

THE DESIGN OF A DESIGN. In the real circumstances anyway, there are shorter tasks and long-term ones, making rather difficoult to obtain some Guidelines of a Creative Project right off, while it is more likely that the idea comes after having explored the same Task on more days and through many "filters".

To be more precise, the principle of Enhancing each Identity implies, that the Hybridization of concepts is more appropriate within the same text first of all, in so that, from a process of breaking down an Topic into several sub-Topics ("One generates Many") we will obtain a Reorganization, that is a personal acquisition of the study subject - which is "Learning" by definition.

THE PHILOSOPHY OF DOING. I personally love this technique of "Design of a Design", but I also experienced, that it is not compatible with carrying on too many projects at the same time, since it soon becomes hard to keep track of each process, being made of many topics, unless compiling a Database to find back each topic – or unless we intend it only its extemporaneous aspect, of an instinctive "Doing" as a consequence of a design activity: which is the problem that brings us to the very point of this survey.

The Zombie-Notes

I must say, in any case, that a good way to record notes is not what I really wanted to achieve. Though now extremely concise, notes always imply a support, therefore, the need of managing that support – which is a kind of activity that tends to get clumsy in short time.

I rather feel that the purpose of all this should be a Continuous Flow of Thought, of an inquiring thought, so that's how Repetition really comes in as Creative practice.

I always asked to myself how could my Dreams require me to solve a new one everyday, while I barely could understand one only even in many years; but I often realized, that some of those dreams just pointed to the old sh*t, ie the dreams noted down in the days before, piled up in the wait to be solved – just the way I dreamt of Cannibal Zombies who pointed to the Surrealist projects (see above), along with any hoarding trend in general.

Procrastination, and Bureaucracy, are a bit of the Great Evil in Dreams' philosophy: activity should be "NOW", as the purpose of any training is the assimilation of a principle, rather than getting a "benefit" out; Storing instead, implies an expectation of gain, therefore, an unsolved anxiety – it's Materialistic attachment, a fear of the unknown.

So I really prefer to intend the Three-Words as a temporary hint for a study session, and rather to complicate things a just a little up, by adding one more magic element I am going to refer of, in the next chapter. Because Tomorrow is always a new day, and it should be kept free for newcomings.


The Mystic Phrase

STUDY AND TRASCENDENCY. Now I have to admit, the best part is yet to come. The idea of composing a "weird sentence" with the Three-Words to manage the attention, can be fully compared with the practice of ► koan meditation [Wikipedia] inside Zen philosophy; nevertheless, while this keeps inside a topic, Mind will always be tempted to glorify the outcomes, once you find the learning thing is working for real.

HYPER-PROJECT: SOUL PROJECT. That's why I think the system should be integrated with a further Level of Abstraction, a hyper-project to which any other sub-topic should refer to, which I called the "Mystic Phrase", but with reference to "misty" (fuzzy):

— The Mystic Phrase is a creative verbalization from the Deep-Self, that sounds totally out of any realistic planning, so that its interpretation is the real aim of the study activity, thus escaping the risks of Notionism, heading instead towards to practical applications of what we are studying.

    Once again, it is not a matter of doing things "the right way", but of listening to the Self, and this system is a way for the Rational mind and the Emotional mind to speak a common language

THE MAGIC FORMULA. A Mystic phrase can be recalled through a "magic formula", such as: "I'd like to understand how to..." or "I'd like to create a..." and sound therefore like this:

    I'd like to Create a Person who is able to Fly

Now you have to interpret this "Misty Phrase" through your studies of Maths, Physics or Law; and according to your interpretations you will increasingly feel attracted by Paleornithology, or by Angels in Art, or by the development of Aeronautics – things you never thought of – as a hands-on field for your study subject.

GOOD LUCK! (WITH THE MORE FESTIVAL). The following one is therefore an updated example of the Creative Hybridization, where the Mystic Phrase will act as a Catalyzer to mix the Topics. From the Pattern above, it then begins a "Project Drafting" using Free Associations of ideas (Brainstorming), gradually aggregated in Intuitions and real Projects.

— So this system is aimed at stimulating Practice through something that comes "from me" – which I do not perceive as imposed, but as a personal expression which may even lead me to a Personal Path.

Topics Hybridization enhanced with a "Mystic Phrase"

Mystic Phrase

"Go on with the More Festival"


Instructions VKP in Swedish


Order tools on the table

Brainstorming-style notes

"More Languages" = make this with each lang. of VKP Instruct.s
Find MORE jobs as wanderer/traveling agent
a LIGHTER way to bring tools around
FESTIVAL = Fair = Wandering commerce (offer MORE)
Visit more Workshops

Reflecting on Past

PAINTING WITH IDEAS. If you are curious and apply this Creative design technique, you may come to the inevitable question: "How long should a project last?", but the only problem to really ask is "What am I waiting for, to start it?"

— This research of mine is inherently experimental, as an attempt to formalize a method that actually cannot be codified. When we move from an intuition to its systematic application, this is the same that happens to artists when, after having by chance created an innovative work, they try to artificially repeat the "happy mistake" that allowed Change: I am not aware of a dream that does not remind me of this risk, I always fall in.

So I developed this idea of creating a Project that ignited the "Impulse to Action" just like interpreting dreams, but practically took me inventing another form of ► Fractal Expressionism, where I turn Study even, into an artistic activity: because Expressionism is about Action.

A DAY WITH FRIENDS. I actually think this is a very good method to wipe off Priorities and Emergencies in a relatively interesting way. We all know, however, that most of Tasks cannot be accomplished in one only moment, and I also pointed out that this technique may rather lead producing too many projects.

However, if I make use of Recursion, I just have to select my Priorities and combine them each day differently; and since I know that Intuition could make me start things I did not plan, it also makes a lot of sense to introduce "Something Done" beside a "To-do" item, so that "time lost" as well may contribute – which is not tiny a detail: we generally daydream, but seldom reflect about past actions, while the greatest part of Education and of Psychoanalysis is rather about reflecting on Past Experiences.

Example of Hybridization with Past Experiences

Mystic Phrase

Keep a factor of Quotidianity...

Study Topic

Multilingual instructions VKP

Past Experience

Gone Out with Friends


- vissa skador
- extrema temperaturer
- skyddets prestanda


- John
- bartender
- shoeshop


Walking on the Waters of Infinite

LIFE ENDS AT MIDNIGHT. Now some wrap-up. First and foremost, no matter for how many detailed "steps" I may define, this Learning System is aimed at the "Sublimation of Matter":

— Intuition is a form of Trascendency which makes me see a Relation where there was not any before; so it is unpredictable by definition, but mainly it is about the steps to make that Idea ("Strategic Thinking").

Unfortunately, we often idealize a Successful situation, due to being conditioned by Expectations and fearing of Change; that's why I adopted this short rule for myself: "Life ends at midnight", do not pile and mess up for those who are coming tomorrow, rather try making a useful synthesis.

COME TO ME. So, while it is said a lot about Artists and Innovation, I generally prefer to explain Intuition by mean of Athletic training:

    Practicing makes me see I could perform an upper skill, so I try to build the steps to get to that point each time more automatically: then it is right this "chasing" to build the competency I wanted to reach

Therefore, in order to achieve the "trascendental dimension" of Intuition, I have to heat up some working Material through Study, thus creating an Abstract Model which allows me trying new configurations (see also my post ► Archetype); Failure notoriously has a great part in this process (called "Prototipation"), but the real point is that, in the attempt of transforming Matter, I am actually changing Myself.

— That is, Intuition creates a "Positive Void" that makes me attracted towards a Higher Level of Complexity, helping me to create (and diversify) a competence, overcoming possible oppositions to Change.

THE SYSTEM. As for the references to Religion as Path of Diversification (see above ► On Christian Religion), this concept of "Positive Emptyness" is to all effects my idea of "God" as Non-Existence – that is, as a "Motivation-without-Motivation" for a path of experimentation and growth, aimed at expanding and transforming schemes: since the only rule that never changes inside a dynamic system is Change itself.

That is, "Believing in God" is a dynamic fact that coincides with the constant questioning of one's own abilities that comes from the confrontation with th New; and if every Symbol of dreams is the projection of my Dependence – a Fetish to chase in order to please a tyrantic Feeling of Guilty (to have a "non-punishment" back) – then this "motivational" Non-God is created only as soon as I "guess" it as a "Challenge to improve myself", and it coincides with the System to which I am now devoting those same Strategies which, rather than eternally blocked by the Anxiety of Survival, now can develop into new models.

DO AS I DO. In fact, an Imitative Method (Imitation [Wikipedia]) is a substantial part of Learning, which leads us to repeat the solutions already tested by others, which spontaneously tend to stabilize into Models; but if I even undergo an Affective Blackmail, this blocks my ability to rework them and they become Fixations. Dreams are a way of recalling those ancient Strategies.

We therefore come to the conclusion that Dreams have ESPECIALLY a "literal" meaning - which at some point seems the most sensible thing on this mysterious topic: since they are "Containers of Themselves", let's try and read this way my dream from the first chapter, as "Simulation Exercise".

    I am the Dream – the Representation of a Problem of yours: an alien invasion brought a virus causing people turn into vampires, rescue logistic is obsolete and inefficacious. How would you solve me?

The Wings of Fantasy

A SUPERIOR TECHNOLOGY. Therefore since 2007 I worked on a "Superior technology" to get rid of "Epidemics of Anxiety"; and I built a "Flying machine" fueled by words, to explore "Virtual Worlds" – that is to create Simulations out of a Block of Informations: it does not deal on a real "method", but of some "principles" meant to ignite a Higher Energy State of Mind as a support to creating Models: a bit like dreaming...

My Dreams taught me that Fantasy needs some Rules, but also, that too much relying on Rules is the fear of more complex situation. In fact, since the only Rule in a dynamic system is Change, then any Pattern can only be temporary, and codifying a Set of Rules is necessarily dynamic a process, based on experience – that is, on Action (not on Outcomes). The Elements of this system are then oriented to an interest in the Problem as an activity "on its own":

    • The Three Words act as "Transitional Objects" to shift from a Material representation of an idea, to its Abstract dimension
    • The Hybridization of Concepts brings infinite points of view onto a certain subject, and helps creating focused Projects; moreover, in its "multitasking" application keeps Attenction in a dynamic state which allows concepts better to consolidate
    • The "Mystic Phrase" makes for a ► Averted Vision [Wikipedia] applied to Thought, since it helps me focusing on my Priority without being focused in it – that is avoiding that anxious projetion that makes me unable see things "as they are"

SEEING SHAPES IN THE CLOUDS. It deals, clearly, not really of distint "mechanisms", rather of some aspects of a Fractal Recursion – that is, a logical-geometric model for the "Interpretation of Reality", perhaps the most akin to Mind functioning: all this process actually is like "Seeing Shapes in the Clouds"; and the way Dreams form must be a similar process, though immensely more complex.

Therefore, once a "Real-life" Project (and no more a "Mystic" one) will be the Conceptual Framework for that topic, my approach to the study material will be completely different, and these "tricks" will no longer be needed, if your thought is now flying high.

Cloud in the Sky: Create a Person who can Fly just like an Athlete in the exercise of their specialty
so much they worked, with interest every day
exploring new possibilities
following their Intuition; now flies
their Thought above the Rules
made of sweat; so Study and Creativity should
constantly pursue, reciprocately surpass

[translated from ancient greek by ATP]


Keeping a Balance Between Disorder and Order

We have seen that Motivation is the main unavoidable aspect of Knowledge, determining its Creative-evolutionary aspect (Continuous Prototyping) or Static-egocentric (Anxious Homeostasis). However, both of these attitudes have in common a "Project" which the more internalized it is, the more determined will be the effort for knowledge: exploratory-relational in one case, essentially cumulative and competitive in the other.

THE POSITIVE OBSESSION. Unfortunately, over the years, I have realized that I am exactly in the middle of these two poles of professional development, lost in an anxious spiral of unproductive changes; luckily, however, my tendency towards artistic expression has allowed me to work on the problem not only in a more abstract way, but – as a "Surrealist" – also to deepen the phenomenon of Dreams and the "Problem of Solving Problems", so that I worked on a study method that was inspired by those mechanisms.

The main principle is in fact the continuous creation of a Guide-Project at any scale of size (from a text to a set of texts, to a set of projects etc.) so that the activity is not of a mnemonic, but of a creative type – that is, up to structuring something that I have called "Positive Obsession": feeling involved in a dream as it happens in adolescence, in which we are not protagonists, but participants of a System – then is called Vision.

ALIENS ARE ALWAYS LURKING. So the problem is not so much "Multitasking", but rediscovering an Associative Thought ability and interpret different areas as "points of view" for a better understanding of a Priority ("Conceptual mirroring"): Intuition then, from an apparent reason for distraction and discomfort, becomes again that natural function that helps to keep the dynamism of Attention.

    This is the importance of having a General Project – and, if that weren't enough, an even more general one

It is therefore not a question of "putting away for later", but of knowing how to reintroduce new ideas into a production cycle – in practice, knowing how to metabolize the Unpredictable. So far, this is the best idea I have had for managing many interests; however, as any good Designer would do, I do not eliminate Bureaucracy together with many good ideas (for the terror of a bad dream); but I make sure that even the "surplus" projects, set aside, help me to diversify every day, above all by picking them up "at random".

The Programmer of (Their Own) Future

I mean, let's take the example of Coding as a new compulsory subject in Primary school: compared to other subjects, it has certainly a much more professional value; but then we also know that Artificial Intelligence will raise the threshold of technological competence to such a level, that it is completely unthinkable that such professionalism derives from the perception of one of the most desperate social competition ever seen (precisely because of technological unemployment): study Programming or I won't love you any more.

What skills does a Programmer of the future need? First of all, Strategic Thinking, which develops through Playfulness as a structuring activity starting from the Indefinite ; and then certainly the ability to interact with the largest possible number of areas of knowledge; and in my opinion an educational method immensely devalued compared to its potential in this sense, is Scenography whose only name already includes most of the known pedagogical theories:

  • Design and Planning
  • Team-Working and Budget Analysis
  • Music, Dance and Choreography
  • Arrangement of the text and Acting
  • Carpentry, Tailoring, Cleaning of Laboratories
  • etc

After all, even Programming can be understood as a form of Design; I mean, the important thing is not so much the age, but the involvement into things. I therefore wanted to develop a method that refers as much as possible to the enthusiastic aspect of Playfulness, which serves not only to face professional updates with less suffering, but above all to return to seeing problems as a door always open to personal evolution.

The next article on this topic is ► The Rainbow Serpent, a psychoanalitic and prototyping fractal tool.

Thanks for reading

